Laura is

a director / writer, illustrating stories that move hearts and open minds. Her premiere docufiction limited series is an Impact Docs’ Award of Merit winner and a One Show finalist, available on Amazon, called “The Tent Mender”, narrated by Emmy-Award winner Peter Coyote. The series uses a fictional character, the Tent Mender, and his journal as a vehicle to document authentic stories of people living on Skid Row in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. Partnering with Procter & Gamble, Laura wrote a story integration illustrating the laundry room renovation funded by Tide at the Midnight Mission, LA's oldest homeless shelter, to provide improved resources for the community.

Laura’s character driven storytelling creates empathy and inspires hope. Her focus is to reveal shared emotions within our unique experiences, both in her scripted and non-scripted writing. Laura crafts stories seeking to empower and drive the best in us all.